Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Beautiful Saturday

Lailah – what a little charmer she is becoming. I cannot believe that she is going to be TWO! When did this happen, huh, what?  She’s getting excited for her Minnie Mouse Birthday Party! 

In two short years a lot has happened and she has turned into quite an amazing little person. She’s an agriculturalist, petrologist,  scientist, timid entomologist, girly, hippy dreamer. ‘Bout sums it up. And the warm weather means spending LOTS of time outside. Sun up to sun down, Lailah just wants to be outside – owside, owside, owside – sometimes it’s the first thing she says to me when I get her out of bed in the morning. 

This Saturday the weather was perfect and we spent the majority of it outside. 

Making Music and Searching for Treasures.

 Finding the treasures she was looking for, and enjoying a horsey ride.


Why Friday’s are more than just a Friday

It was a cold, rainy, windy day today, but it was one of the best Friday’s we’ve had together. We spent the entire day inside except for a trip to the mailbox and the garbage can. But spending the day inside means being more connected, more quiet conversations, and interactions otherwise missed when we are outside.

We had spent the day reading books, playing with toys, taking a nap, and doing all things fun, but the most precious moment came when we were having our lunch picnic on the living room floor. She stops what she is doing and comes up to me, looks me in my eyes, and says “I miss you Mommy”. I say “But I’m right here baby, you don’t need to miss me”, “No work, don’t leave” she says, “I promise I won’t Baby, I am staying right here with you” I respond. “I hug ya mommy” (hug ensues). I’m so glad I didn’t miss that moment with her. And I am so glad that I could comfort her and assure her that today, I was all hers. 

Nothing better than setting up a tent in the living room and watching Dino Dan.

 She was playing with her toys and I was lying on the floor next to her with my eyes closed - just relaxing and she kept saying puppy puppy, so I opened my eyes and puppy was RIGHT in front of my face. Ha Ha, 'bout crapped my pants, and then started laughing. I even got her to smile for me while taking her picture, which she never does, but this time she made sure it was super cheesy for me.

 These are the moments I never want to grow out of. I had to lay in her itty bitty tent with her, and she kept making me turn my ahead away and then look at her in the face and then she would start laughing. Aww, melt my heart.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Hogle Zoo 5-11-12

Last week Lailah and I made a trip to Hogle Zoo in the morning, and then hit up Andy's Car Show in the evening. It was a day packed with fun and cuteness. Lailah got to wear the dress that Grandma Lynnie made for her, and was excited to carry around her matching purse. It really never gets old seeing her in that dress; It's one of my favorites. We had fun at the zoo, Lailah was really into the Elephants but mainly just want to see "waterfalls", what the hell?

My sweet baby, so excited about our roses blooming.
 Looking pretty serious about all the things going on around her.
 Some of Andy's stripe work, and Lailah and Daddy Hand in Hand.

Wheeler Farm Friday 5/4/12

Wheeler Farm is such a fun place to go, it's free, it's large (i.e. it's not hard to have your own uninterrupted space), there's animals, dirt, rocks, sticks, ducks, ponds, lots of walking trails - all things Lailah loves. So a few weeks ago we headed there for our Friday. And we were so lucky to have Grandma Tami and Grandpa Frank join us. Lailah was excited about that, and had a good day. She even stole Grandpas Ice-cream, even though she had her own. A cone in each hand, can't say I blame her.

Finding self…

I’ve been struggling with a lot of things lately; my weight, my emotions, my attitude, my health. I am constantly tired, and there are things not right with my body that I haven’t gotten answers from Doctors about, and I just pretty much feel like crap all the time. It’s been a lot of ‘let’s wait and see’ response, and quite frankly I’m sick of waiting and seeing. To feel physically inept, but know it doesn’t matter because you have a child to take care of and a paycheck to make really sucks – all I want to do is crawl in bed. Trying everything you can think of to grasp onto a little more energy but get nowhere, day in and day out has been a real struggle for going on 6 months and I am hoping soon we can get somewhere – on a better path.

I know a lot of my problems probably stem from being overweight, and I know that exercise can help with lots of health issues and help with feeling better overall - emotional, physical, energy etc. But can someone please tell me - when a person feels so horrible, and already struggles to find extra time in a day – when is a person supposed to work that into their schedule? Some would say – it’s easy to make excuses – all it takes is 30 minutes a day – hell I tell myself that, but yet, here I am, in the same rut, the same lethargic coma, the same mindset that I KNOW I need to do something, make a change, but just don’t know how to do something about it. 

I am hoping things can get better for good soon, but for now, the good comes in waves. I’m back on cyanocobalamin injections for B12 deficiency, hoping an upcoming ultrasound can give new hope/answers to other issues, and catching some ‘me time’ when I can. A few weeks ago I headed up American Fork Canyon with camera in hand and did a little bit of hiking and a whole lot of admiring. The world around us is a truly beautiful place - sometimes it just takes some quiet and alone time to remember that.

 Back side of Timpanogos.