Sunday, July 29, 2012

Don't wanna be fat No More!

I've finally taken the initiative to get in better shape. I've talked a lot about it since having Lailah, but have never taken the time out of each day to spend a little bit of time on myself. I'm really tipping the scales, and as hard as it is to lay it all out there for the world to see, I think, for me, it might be a good thing to do so. So, here it goes. The beginning post to what will hopefully be a successful journey of weight loss and better health.

The starting weight stat, as I cringe, was as follows : Monday, 7/23/12: 192.2 lbs.

What I did during the week:
Monday - Cardio (30 Minutes)
Tuesday - Cardio (30 Minutes)
Wednesday - Zumba (60 Minutes) (Holy Shit - tough, but looking forward to more)
Thursday - Cardio (40 Minutes(
Friday -  Cardio (30 Minutes + 15 Minutes of Upper Body)
Saturday - Hike up Battle Creek Trail (60 Minutes)
Sunday - Strenuous yard work with copious amounts of sweat (150 Minutes)

Nutrition - not as good as it could have been, but not too bad either.

Stats as of Sunday, 7/29/12: 190.4 lbs. for a loss of 1.8 lbs. I'll take it. =)

I know it's going to take some time, and I am not built to be a tiny person - I have larger bone structure, so my goal is to be right around 145 lbs. I haven't weighed that since High School.

I am hoping to present the same type of stats for many weeks to come. With hard work and dedication I know I can do it.

And so now, for some pics of that hike I took on Saturday. For anyone who is interested, its just in Pleasant Grove, and is good for a shorter duration hike, but enough to get the blood flowing and the heart pumping.

 A  great view of Utah Lake.
 And the best part of the hike - the waterfalls. There was a large group of people repelling the falls, it was pretty interesting to watch. This picture helps to show the scale of the falls, they are pretty good size and well worth the hike to see in person.

 This is at the base of the falls. It's pretty tranquil to feel the mist of the water.
I continued past the falls for probably another 1/2 mile and decided to turn around, but from what I understand it continues on for quite a while - features several open meadows and connects with a couple of other trails. So when I have a little more time, and am more prepared I might head back to do the full hike.

Last Friday of July

This Friday with Lailah, the last one of the month, we stayed close to home. It was pretty hot outside, so we didn't spend a ton of time out there, but we did spend some time in the back yard. I was able to catch up on some work around the house, nothing too exciting to report. But, sometimes those kinds of days, are the best kind of days.

She was telling me a really serious story about her Dinosaurs.
 Love that smile. =)
 Now singing a Dino song - made up of course.
Awww, Love.

Steel Days Part 2

Last Saturday was the wrap up to Steel Days. During the day Lailah had LOTS of outside time. Of course with Dinosaurs out in full force.

 Andy and I made Salmon BLT's with Dill Mayo on Ciabatta. Now, I normally don't like Salmon at all, so I decided to have just a BLT, plus avacado. BUT, I took a bite of Andy's with the salmon and was kind of wishing that I had one. I am sure that we definitely be making these again. They were delicious.
 My two favorite people in the wide world.

 Lailah sitting in her Great, Great Grandpa's chair.
 What do you mean don't pick that pepper yet.

Later in the evening She-Daisy put on a concert at the High School across the street, and later on it was Fireworks. Now, normally I would be excited for Fireworks, but Lailah is so scared of them. Last year she was traumatized by them, so this year, we thought we would try to show them to her again, but we didn't get too far. She didn't even want to have anything to do with sparklers. So, we got her to bed, and crossed our fingers that she would stay asleep with all the loud booms that would ensue come 10:00pm. We were in luck, she stayed asleep the whole time, and I was able to catch a few shots of the show right from the comfort of my front yard.

Friday w Lailah up AF Canyon & Steel Days (Part 1)

Last Friday with Lailah we headed up AF Canyon in the morning for a picnic. Lailah shared her sandwich with a squirrel, was rendered speechless by a deer and tried to catch several butterflies. AF Canyon is pretty much always a good choice for a fun Friday.

Lailah's got her eye on the squirrel

Said squirrel has his eye on Lailah
Lailah asks if she can give said squirrel some of her lunch

 The dino's intently keep there eyes on the situation unfolding

 Squirrel takes the bait and enjoys every bite

In American Fork, they have what's called Steel Days. So later on Friday they had a little 'parade' go by our house. Lailah enjoyed watching all the people walk by, and really, really enjoyed the suckers that they threw to her.

I see them coming!
 There way down there.
 Getting closer now!

This is amazing!
 No, this is SUPER amazing!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

A lovely Friday with Lailah

A few weeks ago my Friday with Lailah was spent preparing for what I thought would be the worst check up we've had so far. It was her 2 year, and I thought for sure she was going to lose her mind as soon as we walked in the doors of the Doctors office. She's never been a fan, and I can't say I blame her. So that morning I started talking to her about it, and was frank, telling her she was going to have to get a shot and see the doctor, and thanks to Doc McStuffins, I was able to sing her the song about " I'm gonna Check your ears, check your eyes, find out how much you've grown...time for your check up..." And we spent the morning giving her dinosaurs check ups and shots. And then the time came, and I thought oh boy here we go. So we get there, and she sees the fish, and we are doing okay, she communes with a kid who was probably 6 like they've been best buds for years, and then her name gets called. We start to head back and I can see her eyes getting a little wide. We get in the room and wait for it, wait for it...nothing. She did GREAT! No, AWESOME!!! Even when the shot came, she thought about losing her mind, and then I said, "look you have a band-aid" and to her that means all better. It went so much better than I expected, I gave her a high five and told her she did awesome. When she got home she even told Grandma Lynnie "I did awesome". Grandma gave her some new dino's for doing so well, and her day was set.

And a few from around the yard...3 different ladybugs.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Friday with Lailah...and Andy!

This Friday was spent with Lailah...and Andy! Andy didn't have the 4th off, so he had today off instead, and we decided to head out to Red Butte Gardens this morning. Lailah was super stoked about 'the garden'. Give the kid flowers, water, and sunshine and she is good to go. I feel right in my element in Red Butte as well. I could spend an entire day there taking pictures. And my goodness, what a difference a year makes. I took Lailah to Red Butte last year around this same time and have put together a couple of side by sides from then and today:

And here are the rest of the photos that I took during our adventure:

 I think Lailah was pretty happy that Dad was able to join us today.

 Lailah reflecting while watching the waterfall, and checking out her new little Acorns

 There were kids jumping off a wall, and I think Lailah was really concerned for their safety.