Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Summer Ending

Lailah and I headed up to Cascade Springs this past Friday, and it's official, summer is over, fall has begun. And although awe inspired by the beauty of the foliage I'm saddened to know that snow is around the bend. Lailah loved the bright leaves and had fun gathering the myriad of colors the trees had to offer. More than anything though, she loves the water at Cascade Springs. She was enchanted with the waterfalls and enamored by the clear liquid pools; if I hadn't kept a close rein on her, I'm sure she would have gladly jumped in. Can't say I blame her.

La La La, whoa, what's that? (A HUGE bird flew from a nearby tree. It could have picked Lailah up and carried her far away. It was a 'Whoa' moment for sure.)
 Right after she was walking through the grass, we saw a giant snake slithering into the area, needless to say, more more walking through the grass.
 Treasures. Treasures. Treasures.
 Shortly before she fell off and scraped her hand. =(
 Just can't get close enough.

 Interesting moves.

 She wanted to kneel here and 'read' this plaque FOREVER.
 Ha Ha.

Coca Cola

Andy brought home an old Coke Cooler a couple weekends ago so we had some fun taking pictures with Lailah.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Listening to the storm...

A while back a storm rolled through, and I perched Lailah up on her window sill to watch and listen. She's not very fond of thunder, but she's been trying really hard lately to be brave with the things she doesn't care for. She kept saying in a tiny voice "I love the rain", and with all the bravery she could muster "I love the thunder." Her eyes got distant and I wished I could climb into her head to hear her thoughts.

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Change Starts 9/2/12

Of all the canyons close by, I have to say American Fork by far takes the cake for beauty. A week or so ago I headed up for a hike up the Lower Mill Trail. It was tranquil, it was quiet, it was serene, it was...beauty. It was also challenging, and my shoes are still paying the price. The rain from the previous day made the trail quite muddy and the creeks to cross were a little higher than normal. Some of the trail is inherently steep and required some panache to get up without sliding. Needless to say I have some scrubbing to do to my shoes.

The leaves were starting to make the change, they've since taken a dramatic turn. At golden hour the mountainside near our home looks a-flame from the bright red and gold leaves that now adorn the branches of which they will soon shed. Starved of light and water for photosynthesis as the days grow shorter and shorter.

It is indeed turning to fall.