You can’t run away from being a mom - even when it means having your hair pulled and being told “I don’t like you”, or having books thrown in your face, or trying to hold on to a screaming wet noodle of a child in the bathtub to keep them from hurting themselves, or being smacked in the face by a tiny hand and told “you can’t cry” when you have lost all patience and know of nothing other to do than break down.
That was my Sunday. It started off all right, and then went
to shit at the speed of Mach 10. At the end of the day I could do nothing else
than think to myself, where did I go wrong, what am I not doing right, where is
she learning this behavior? Certainly it must be my fault that there is such a large storm brewing in such a small
The fact of the matter is – it could have everything to do
with anything. There will never be an answer to the almighty question of “why
is my two year old acting like a demon?” - It could have something to do with
the copious amounts of sugar she was provided even when I said no, a growth spurt,
a misfiring synapses, a tooth, or it could just be that she is hell bent on
sending me into to the loony bin, but I like to think not.
It was a rough day to the say the least, and touch and go
today, everything makes me want to cry; seeing her made me want to cry, saying
goodbye to her made me want to cry, writing this makes me want to cry, the
thought of having to put on my thinking cap and work makes me want to cry, everything
is making me want to run away…but alas, a mother never runs away. I’ll just
hope for a better day and take whatever - come what may.
You are the best mommy I have EVER known.,I hope and pray you had a better day today, my sweet girl! I promise, it gets easier. Two's are a challenge. (You were, and I prolly thought it was my fault too.) Love and kisses. Yo Momma