So, it has been a rough couple months. Work has been insane and there has been no time to come up for air. Day's come and go, and quite frankly, as of lately, I don't seem to know the who's what's when's and where's outside of work. Needless to say, I did the one thing, I hoped I would never do. The one thing I am always hounding my brother about doing a better job at! I FORGOT MY MOM's FRIGGEN BIRTHDAY! The most awesome woman in the world, the female I most look up to, the best Mom a person could ask for, and I totally spaced her friggen birthday! If it had not been for her being the most understanding person I know and dropping me a hint, I am afraid to say, I probably wouldn't have recognized my ignorance until who know's when. She knew I was on another planet (metaphorically speaking) and she sent me the cutest e-mail letting me know, but assuring me, that it was no big deal, for she knew if I recognized my error a month from now, I would have been mortified! So, I took her special request and made her lemon cupcakes to make up for it. Unfortuneatly I don't have pictures of them, but they were lemon cupcakes, with Lemon Pastry Filling in the middle, Lemon Frosting, and to top it off, white chocolate flowers with mint chocolate leaves for decoration. She said that they were her favorite so far, and dad liked them too. Ah, Sweet Redemption. So, Since I don't have a picture of the cupcakes, I will post a picture of the two of us from a while back. I love you Mom.
This picture was taken a few years ago on our trip to Vegas to see INXS play. 'Twas a blast! **What the Eff is 411** ha ha ha, oh man, good times.