Thursday, November 3, 2011


Halloween has already come and gone - the year is nearing an end, and I can't believe how quickly the months have gone by.

This year I knew I couldn't put Lailah in any costume that required a lot of facepaint or anything to be on her head, so I thought about it and what could be a more perfect fit for her personality than a rainbow hued clown - but not a creepy clown -  a Lailah clown. So I made her a rainbow tutu, found her some rainbow leggings, got her some Rainbow suspenders, and as simple as that we had ourselves a costume - and It couldn't have meshed better with her bright personality; I think it worked out pretty well.

She wasn't much for trick-or-treating. I took her to my work and she was more interested in exploring nooks and cranny's that any other person walking through the building would never look twice at. She didn't really care about getting candy in her bucket, and she didn't even really pay much attention to the little people swimming around her. She's such an independent little creature with a mind of her own - and I really love that about her. She reminds me of Ferdinand the Bull.

1 comment:

  1. I cannot say it enough. I am in total awe of your photographs. All of them, in each blog. The details you capture, the angle of some shots - just impressive!!
